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Another Spring —

So, it must be sailing season!

Well, the calendar says it’s Spring, and the forecast seems to confirm that. Temperatures are rising, but not yet safe from overnight cold. Meanwhile, Spring boat chores are underway. With a new to me boat acquired less than a year ago, the to do list is lengthy. Some of it is cosmetic, but some more substantial. An engine tech is currently working on replacing a leaking water muffler – hopefully done this week. The canvass shop is modifying my main sail cover. The cabin and all storage spaces have been emptied and cleaned — now to organize gear and supplies that will be needed for the sailing season.

Fortunately, a sailing friend has volunteered some time to help work thru the list beginning this week. Water at the marina gets turned on in a few days. Freshwater tankage and AC lines will get flushed and engine run to clear antifreeze from the lines. A trip to the pump out station will have Mischief ready to sail.

The first trip was a run down the Bay to Galesville. Home port is moving from Bodkin YC to West River Yacht Harbor. Improved logistics and proximity to a number of other Hunter sailors are the primary reasons. We’ll stay social members of the Bodkin YC.

Three significant plans are in the works for the season. First, I’m entering Mischief in the West River Wednesday nite races – non-spinnaker class. Working on lining up crew now. Second, my helpful boat friend is purchasing a 40ft trawler that currently resides in the St Lawrence river (upstate NY). So, I get to help bring her down to the Bay via Lake Erie, the Erie Canal, Hudson River, off-shore to Cape May, up the Delaware Bay and Down the Chesapeake to her home slip. Looks like a fun 2 week cruise. Third, a float plan is in the works for a cruise around the perimeter of the Chesapeake stopping at interesting harbors/anchorages along the way. That an occasional Club cruises should make for a full sailing season.

Tuesday April 4th was a beautiful sunny and warm day to be on the water although the winds were right on the nose as we moved Mischief south to Galesville. Cleared the bridge early PM, and made it into the slip — with no help from strong winds – about 4pm. All in all a good day!